StoryBrand Simply Defined

In the world of copywriting, it’s essential that you learn how to be an effective writer. More importantly, it’s crucial that your readers understand the clear message you are trying to deliver. 

The StoryBrand framework is a simple way to clarify your marketing message by treating your customer like the hero of a story. Here’s a breakdown in simple terms:

  1. Character (Customer): Your customer is the hero of the story, not your brand.

  2. Problem: Every hero faces a problem. Identify the problem your customer is trying to solve.

  3. Guide (Your Brand): Your brand is the guide that helps the hero. You show empathy and authority.

  4. Plan: Give the customer a clear, simple plan to solve their problem.

  5. Call to Action: Encourage the customer to take action (e.g., buy, sign up, etc.).

  6. Success: Show how taking action will lead to success.

  7. Avoid Failure: Highlight the negative outcome if they don’t take action.

This framework helps you communicate in a way that makes your customers the focus, showing them that you understand their problem and can help them succeed.


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