What is Branding and Why is it Important to The Success of Your Business?

Gain Influence in Business with these 4 Stories

Steve Jobs strolls into the Apple break room one day in 1994 and starts making himself a bagel. The staff chew warily. Suddenly, Jobs addresses the room:

“Who is the most powerful person in the world?” Silence. A few names are proposed. Bill Clinton? Nelson Mandela? Then, Jobs erupts:

“NO! You are ALL wrong. The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come and Disney has a monopoly on the storyteller business.”

He continues: “You know what? I am tired of that bullshit, I am going to be the next storyteller” And out he walks with his bagel.

He then created Apple’s tagline, “Think Different,” and went on to change the world…through strategic storytelling.

Nothing causes people to stop and listen like a great story. Movies you love and the brands you trust use the power of story to capture our attention.

What story are you inviting customers into?

FOLLOW THE MONEY: If you’re having a hard time choosing a story, remember to focus on the ones that offer the most significant financial payoff.

By aligning your storytelling efforts with your bottom-line objectives, you'll not only capture the attention of your audience but also reap the rewards in the form of increased revenue and business success.


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